When Trucks Crash – What Really Happens?

No one ever wants to be in an accident. Truth be told, trucks with trailers and cars crash for many reasons. And those reasons end up being somewhat less significant than the devastation that can result. Repair fees can run into the tens of thousands of dollars – and then there are the medical bills. When cars and trucks/trailers crash, what happens? What’s the likely extent of the damage?

Truck Rollovers

If a truck and trailer strike a car on the side, just hard enough, the large truck and trailer can tip (rollover). When it comes to these types of crashes, the cause of nearly half have been determined to be high or excessive speed on the part of the truck driver.

There are couple of types of damage here:

  • Debris and shattered glass damage the interior.
  • As the truck and trailer hit the ground, the entire side of each is scraped along the road and damaged.

Front Section and Windshield of the Truck

The entire front section and windshield of a truck can be severely damaged if a truck collides with anything at high speeds. The force of the crash can send debris flying throughout the cab of the truck as the windshield is forced inward and the front section is crushed.

Pricey replacement is all but inevitable if the windshield, grill, bumper, and more are demolished.

In an Explosion

When trucks and cars collide, one or both run the risk of catching fire. Once one of these vehicles catches fire, an explosion is a distinct possibility. Once a fire starts anywhere on the vehicle, there’s every chance it will reach the gas tank. And once the gas tank is engulfed in flames, an explosion is inevitable. The kinds of repairs needed after a fire or explosion are beyond measure and seldom attempted.

The unthinkable: if the truck and trailer involved is a gas tanker truck, the explosion that could result would be nothing less than massive. In some instances, even vehicles that were not involved in the immediate crash have been incinerated due to the fire/explosion spreading for hundreds of yards.

When Is a Vehicle Totaled?

If an insurance company decides that a vehicle has been damaged to the point of no return (beyond repair) the insurance company will likely consider it totaled. An insurance policy will not cover these repairs. The vehicle must be completely replaced. If possible, the vehicle that’s been damaged can be sold for parts or just demolished.

Car Repairs and the Cost

If, during the crash, your truck hits a car and you are held responsible, your insurance will be shelling out some serious cash. Windshields, when being replaced, can cost anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars up past $1000. If the chassis is damaged, your insurance company can count on spending $1000 as a minimum and $5000 or more as a maximum.

And what can’t be repaired, of course, is the deceased person inside a small car that’s been hit and crushed by a semi or large truck and trailer. Hopefully, in a crash, all of the safety devices on trucks and cars these days spare those involved such a drastic result.

At Mickey Genuine Parts, we hope you never have to deal with the aftermath of a crash. But if you need repairs, rest assured, Mickey has certified service centers throughout the United States. We carry a vast array of replacement parts, accessories, used trailers, and more. Contact us at Mickey Genuine Parts today to see how we can be of assistance to you.

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