Mastering Temperature Control In Your Refrigerated Trailers

Across every market segment, drastic changes are taking place where consumer purchasing preferences are concerned. That means delivery methods must evolve, and logistics companies must evolve with them. When it comes to food delivery, this is particularly the case. At the push of a button, or the drop of a hat, customers are looking for more unique, fresher, and healthier foods.

To provide affordable delivery methods, unique challenges are presented to distributors. They must maintain proper temperature and product quality assurance. Frequently, that’s done – in part – with refrigerated trailers.

These trailers are meant to keep the products inside at a constant, appropriate temperature level. How do fleet managers and delivery drivers make sure the temperatures are being maintained? Who is most likely to require delivery via these specialty trailers?

Door-To-Door Delivery

More and more, home delivery is being offered by distribution companies, grocery stores, restaurants, etc. That means keeping food at the right temperature during multiple deliveries – but not just from the factory to the retail location. Now, temperature control can be even more crucial with delivery vehicles needing to maintain proper temperatures for those last couple of miles – all the way to the customer’s door.

These deliveries may not call for large reefer trailers, however. Vans, trucks, etc. can be used with special coolers, racking systems, insulated bags, insulated boxes, etc. The use of strip curtains will help to maintain temperature when doors are opening and shutting (see “Open and Shut, and In and Out“ below).

Craft Foods and Other High-End Products

Today, many consumers are in search of food products that come in small batches and are locally produced. The craft beer explosion is a good example. Products such as these tend to be shipped in smaller quantities, come in a larger variety, and are less processed. The temperature needs to be maintained in foods such as these because of the lower level of processing. With smaller quantities being shipped, possible temperature changes can threaten, but temps still need to be maintained.

Multi-temp delivery solutions are being sought out by food distributors to ensure that these craft products are kept at the proper, cool temperatures, while also allowing for affordable delivery methods.

In multiple temperature zones, distributors have the option of cubing (sectioning) out their trailers or trucks with larger delivery vehicles. While still maintaining the cold chain, this increases the amount of product for delivery. Not so with the smaller deliveries that apply to craft foods, however.

Open and Shut, and In and Out

The delivery puzzle has many pieces. Another such piece involves the following: While products are being taken in and out of trucks, how can the temperature be maintained?

Clearly, every time a driver goes out or in of their truck the door should be closed. That’s the best-case scenario and best practices. Life doesn’t work that way, however. Multiple trips may be required at one stop. At the side and rear doors, insulating strip curtains will help in cases such as this. These curtains help maintain and ensure proper temperatures, to a point.

To Maintain Proper Temperatures, Count on Mickey

Aside from knowing when the temperature in your trailer is too hot or too cold, what do you really know about the temperature control unit in your reefer? If you answered, “Not much!”, that’s okay. That’s why we have certified service centers located all across the United States. When you have a problem with your trailer, you can count on us.

Give us a call today to find out what Mickey can do to assist you, your fleet, and/or your company.

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