Important Basics Of Fire Truck Maintenance

Public safety vehicles – firetrucks specifically – when they are out of service, aren’t providing anything good for the community. For that very reason, fire truck maintenance inspections should be a routine part of everyday life at the firehouse, to head off possible repairs and other issues. Proper safety vehicle maintenance must be scheduled and maintained to be of the utmost service to society. So that firetrucks can be maintained in a proper manner, we’ve put together some basic tips.

Rather Than An Exception…

Rather than an exception or an afterthought, the maintenance checks on your fire truck should be a steadfast rule. Before and after each call, run a quick check as a necessary part of your job. When training new employees, stress the fact that this is an essential role played by each and every firefighter.

Think of It As Yours

Hopefully, you care for your own vehicle in the proper manner – maintenance checks, regularly scheduled maintenance tasks (oil changes, tire rotations, etc.), and more. So, think of the fire truck as your very own rather than something belonging to someone else – something you don’t need to worry about.


For the next shift, it is imperative that you relay the condition of the fire truck. Take the time to discuss the vehicle’s condition to the next shift before leaving your shift. Did you use anything in your last call that now needs to be replaced or checked? Were any problems encountered that should be watched or monitored?

Inspection Needs

Without your checklist handy, a fire truck’s hidden parts and small details may be missed. To avoid missing out, come up with a checklist to better serve your community and to stand less chance of endangering your crew. What should be checked regularly? Ask your EVT (emergency vehicle technician) to help you make a list. Included should be electronic systems, engine, compartment doors, water tank, fire pumps, suction valves, etc.

Don’t Hesitate!

Don’t put off doing the maintenance check. Before the first response of your shift, make sure that you have performed all necessary checks and inspections. The first thing after punching in and any necessary meetings are a good time to start your inspection. Keeping the fire truck in tip-top shape is your responsibility as a firefighter.

Additionally, many garages and mechanics work on business hours considered normal or routine. That means that your equipment will only be eligible for repair during those hours – even if you have your own mechanic. Part delivery may be limited to normal business hours, too.

Remember the Nooks and Crannies

Take the time to learn all you can about your fire truck, even if you aren’t a mechanic. Sitting around and relaxing between calls is great, but make sure that you’ve taken the time to familiarize yourself with all of your apparatus – from front to back and side to side – including the intricacies of a fire truck.

Issues can hide in places you wouldn’t normally expect. You can better care for your fire truck the more you understand it.

Mickey Genuine Parts Can Be of Assistance

Thanks to our numerous Mickey certified service centers located throughout the United States, we can be (and are) a valuable part of regularly scheduled maintenance programs for numerous companies and individuals. Contact us today for maintenance suggestions or to schedule an appointment.

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