Listening To Driving Music During Your Trucking Shift

Driving music is an important part of any road trip. If you spent any significant amount of time behind the wheel, you know just how crucial the right choice of music can be. Through the years, the music industry and trucking industry have achieved a relationship of sorts. They have bonded. Music is all about the thrill of the ride and capturing the love of a four wheeled vehicle, while trucks are all about muscle, power, and nobility.

We know that everyone is always at the ready to give you trucking advice, so we are going to change it up a bit today. We’re going to offer trucking advice in the way of music. The following are some of the best driving tracks and favorites of today’s truckers. Then we are going to talk about driving music in general.

Today’s Favorite Driving Tracks

Merle Haggard’s Movin’ On – The song is about two truckers enjoying different adventures as they travel throughout the country. Initially created in the 70s, the song was for a TV show of the same name.

Alabama’s Roll On 18-Wheeler – This will get you in a truck driving mood for sure. It’s fun to listen to and lively. This song from the 80s refers to an intimate moment enjoyed with his family, before the driver hits the road.

Bruce Springsteen’s Born to Run – With its dark theme, Born to Run is similar to Born in the USA, also by Bruce Springsteen. Even with a combination of disgust, rebellion, and determination, the lyrics are poetic. For an escape into the wild, it is one of the greatest anthems – but still a love song.

The Doors’ LA Woman – Both symbolically and literally, this song ventures into travel, love, and death. The setting is the City of the Night and deals with pulling off the freeway. In the minds of some truckers, it’s the best trucking music in existence.

Gary Numan’s Cars – This classic is offered via the singer’s signature emotionless delivery along with analog synthesizers and tambourine breakdowns. Though still a hot choice, it dates back to pre-80s.

What Kind of Driving Music Do You Like?

Is there a national favorite when it comes to driving music? Due to the various demographics of drivers and truckers, and the numerous musical genres, it’s impossible to pick the absolute, all-time favorite. A popular option, however, has always been alternative rock.

Classic artists consist of Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and Brian Adams. When it comes to groups, Journey, Canada, Muse, and Oasis are popular. Favorite classic songs in addition to those listed above are Don’t Stop Believing and Mr. Brightside.

Driving Performance and Music

When you have to be behind the wheel all night long, staying awake can be made easier with the right kind of music. Driving performance can be boosted by the tempo and volume of music. Don’t let that scare you away from slow tempo music or love songs, however. Maybe just not in the middle of the night. Your senses can be heightened by crazy lyrics, fast tempos, and loud volume.

At Mickey Genuine Parts, we may not be able to assist you with your choices of music for the road, but we can offer service and parts that can make your trip more carefree. And that means that you stand a better chance of enjoying the music you pick for your trip. Contact us today to see what kinds of trailers, parts, and accessories we have in stock to, along with your driving music, improve your time on the road.

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