Upcoming 2017-2018 Truck Shows To Attend

There’s still time left to catch a few truck shows this year. And, of course, there will be plenty of truck shows next year to keep even the most devoted truck enthusiast busy. So fasten your seatbelt – here are just a few of the truck shows yet to come!

Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference and Expo

This truck show takes place in Raleigh, North Carolina and runs from 8 o’clock in the morning on October 11 of this year until 5 o’clock in the evening on October 13. It will be showcasing the newest and most awesome in technologies, fuels, and advanced vehicles – and that includes solutions which are data driven.

The conference is a great place for truckers to experience increasing sustainability and fleet efficiency while reducing costs and emissions. As most truckers know, managing fleets have everything to do with the numbers. This expo is a great way to learn some lessons from experts and your peers about the tools and technologies that can be used to increase efficiency in the operation of your fleet.

CALSTART’s 25th Anniversary Reception and Symposium 2030: Connecting Transportation, Jobs and the Environment

This show takes place in Pasadena, California and runs from 3 PM on October 24 of this year until 5 PM on October 25. CALSTART is marking their anniversary this October with a perfectly timed gathering. Industry leaders and national policy makers will be targeting actions and solutions with which to stimulate forward thinking involving a vision that includes an economy for clean transportation in the year 2030.

This year’s focus will be on accelerating the market through technologies and transportation policies which result in more job creation – all the while still meeting clean air and climate goals.

The Work Fleet Forum – The Event for Hard-Working Truck Fleets

This year’s event takes place in Ponte Verde Beach, Florida at the Sawgrass Marriott from the 8th to the 10th of November. Individuals attending this forum will connect with like fleet managers responsible for hard-working bucket trucks, service trucks, pickups, vans, trucks, and more. Everyone will take home the latest and greatest solutions and ideas from suppliers and colleagues. Refresh your career and professional network! After attending this forum, you’ll understand why everyone who goes feels like it’s never a waste of time. It’s why, every year, forum goers rant and rave about the increasing value of the experience. You can’t spend a better couple of days.

Work Truck eXchange

This strangely spelled truck show takes place at the beautiful Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort in Phoenix, Arizona this year from the 6th through the 8th of November. Here, suppliers and fleet managers come to deal, learn, and meet. WTX brings together a precise group of commercial fleet managers that handle medium to light duty van fleets and trucks with suppliers from the industry. This all-inclusive opportunity to network with VIPs is a retreat which was designed to kick-start each participant’s achievement concerning their unique goals for their selected business.

The Work Truck Show

This show takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana and runs from the 6th through the 9th of March, next year. It is held in conjunction with the Green Truck Summit. This show is your chance to attend North America’s largest event dealing with work trucks. It will allow attendees to experience all of the industry’s latest products, choose from a plethora of training courses that are industry focused, and access representatives in technical engineering from the multitude of companies at the exhibit. Show-goers will get to interact with untold numbers of professionals from the industry, schedule meetings with current customers and suppliers, discover solutions to technical issue problems, and speak with peers from the industry at receptions and special events.

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