Understanding Reefer Van Safety Best Practices

Do you transport perishable goods on a regular basis? Will you be transporting perishables just one time? Regardless of your answer, the ideal transport solution is provided by reefer vans. Refrigeration trucks have a simple basis by which they work: cargo area – remove the heat from the inside; and utilize insulation of the roof, floor, and walls – prevents heat from entering the cargo area. The following are some impactful yet simple tips on reefer van safety.

Check and Recheck Temperatures

The whole idea behind using a reefer to transport goods is keeping them at a safe temperature. So, not checking the temperature on a regular basis can make the entire undertaking futile. What temperature the load should always be maintained at is something that the shipper must find out from the customer. If no one is available for questioning, or you’re doing this yourself, do a little research. Everything has a target temperature, your cargo included. An entire load of freight can be spoiled if it’s off just a couple of degrees.

The difference between a reefer trailer and the reefer van is that a reefer trailer can actually lower the temperature inside, keeping its cargo at very cold levels (even freezing). The temperature inside a reefer van, however, can only be maintained. It cannot be lowered. Before loading your reefer van, it should be pre-cooled. This step will be invaluable.

Checking the Temperature

You want to use a pulp thermometer to double check your cargo, in addition to your reefer van’s temperature gauge. On the bill of loading, you may want to record the temperature checks if you are transferring a shipment for a customer. When your shipment arrives at its destination, pulp the shipment. But also pulp the air temperature regularly to ensure best practice along the way.

A Clean Van Is a Good Van

Threat of contamination is always present when dealing with food storage/transportation. If this topic is not addressed proactively, the threat increases. Whether you’re hauling ice cream, meat, or some other perishable goods, following proper sanitation standards and cleaning techniques is crucial. Solids must be removed if they are caked on. All items must be cleaned, rinsed, and sanitized with approved products. In the process, make sure no equipment is damaged. Every time you use your reefer van, it must be up to health inspection code.

Make Sure You Are Fueled Up

If you have plenty of fuel when you hit the road with your load of perishable goods, all the better. In fact, if you have less than a full tank, you may not be allowed to haul a load by some shippers! Your cargo could be potentially damaged if you have to stop for fuel or if you lose power.

It should be done safely and correctly, the business of food transport. Food can and will be contaminated and ruined by improper storage. But, potentially even worse, are the legal ramifications that can go with it and the ruin of a business.

Food Transport Companies Count on Mickey Genuine Parts to Ensure Reefer Truck Safety

With incredible savings, guaranteed inspections, quality manufacturing, a stellar reputation, and phenomenal customer service – all of which that go along with every used beverage trailer from Mickey – why pay full price for brand-new? Be sure to check with Mickey Genuine Parts frequently to see what used trailers, vans, etc. are currently available. if you’d like to schedule maintenance on your truck or trailer, give us a call. Whatever you do, contact Mickey. We can answer your questions or help you with orders through our helpful, knowledgeable customer service representatives.

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