What Is A Party Trailer Wedding?

If you’re thinking about getting married, check this out: A wedding in America, on the average, costs approximately $66 for the reception/catering, per guest. If you invite a relatively common number of guests, you could be spending upwards of $8840.

What if there was a way that you could get your costs down to approximately $20 per person? That would bring you in at about $5360 all totaled. Would you like to save yourself somewhere around $3500? That money can go in the bank to get you started on your new path down the married highway, or it could help pay for a memorable, amazing honeymoon.

Now, there’s a fun and easy way to save tons of money on your wedding reception – party trailers. By employing a couple of food trucks or party trailers, you can throw the latest in trendy wedding receptions, have a blast, and save yourself some serious cash.

Have It Your Way

With the right party trailer run by the right person, you can choose your ambiance and set the perfect mood for your reception. Maybe you’ve got some wild and imaginative theme to your wedding. You’re already going to be one of the ‘cool kids’ by holding your reception by way of a food truck or party trailer. But there’s no reason to stop there. And the benefits just keep going.

A far more flexible eating schedule is possible with a party trailer. The menu can be as crazy or as simple as you like. And, as already suggested, it is considerably cheaper than your suit and tie, white linen tablecloth, uptight waiters and waitresses, etc. wedding reception.

Eat What You Want When You Want

By employing a couple of party trailers or food trucks, you can expand the menu and give people more choices. If they’re hungry, they eat. If they’re thirsty, they drink. If all they want to do is hang out or dance, they can do that. With this new and exciting method of wedding celebration, the options are limitless!

Consider Launching a Food Truck or Party Trailer Business

There is nothing run-of-the-mill about this kind of business. It can be your basic taco truck, hotdog stand, etc. But it could alternately entail a fresh, unique concept all your own. The more far-out your menu and your theme, the more likely you are to appeal to the hip and trendy. There’s nothing wrong with tacos and hotdogs – but imagination and artistic license go along way with a good many people. You want to give them a one-of-a-kind experience that they can remember. And whereas the “party trailer for your reception” is a good start, you can certainly put your own spin on the experience to make it unrivaled.

Mickey has both new and used party trailers available right now. Imagine going into business for yourself through the use of your new party trailer. You can make a difference in the lives of new couples, or help throw other parties such as retirement, birthday, anniversary, etc. Give us a call today to see if we have the right party trailer for you.

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