How To Maintain Your Fleet Like A Pro

As a fleet manager, you understand how crucial it is to maintain your fleet. The biggest assets in many businesses are the company trucks or trailers. Whether it’s a small business with one or two trucks or an entire fleet, you must execute proper upkeep for all of your trucks, vans, trailers, etc. Careful maintenance ensures a smooth-running basis year round. Let’s take a look at some areas that need regular attention.

Wheel Bearings Need Continued Maintenance

Wheel bearings should be repacked, cleaned, and inspected regularly. There is likely a suggested service interval for just such a maintenance schedule. Compared to hub and spindle replacement (or, God forbid, liberated wheels flying down the road in front of you) the expense of maintaining grease and wheel bearings is insignificant.

Checking the Brake Fluid, Oil, and Air Filters

These become increasingly important factors the longer they are ignored:

  • Brake fluid – compared to sensors, hoses, and calipers brake fluid is very inexpensive. At least once a year, change your brake fluid. In the long run, you will be protecting against the expense of time-consuming part replacement. Because of its makeup, brake fluid attracts moisture. Moisture can be responsible for the failure and corrosion of components.
  • Oil – this is an easy one to forget about but so very important. Not many things ruin an engine quicker than a neglected oil level check or oil change. And don’t forget the oil filter.
  • Air filters – every 15,000 to 30,000 miles your air filter should be changed out. If you drive on dirt roads frequently, you may want to change that air filter out even more often.

Evaluate Your Fleet’s Scrapped Tires

The worn tires that you remove from your fleet can tell you a lot about how your wheels are running. Look for unusual wear patterns. It can also point to a lack of training on your driver’s part if they are destroying tires before their time.

Wheels and Tires – Use Valve Caps, Check Tire Pressure, and Align Wheels

  • Plain and simple, valve caps help protect against air loss.
  • Investing in a good tire pressure gauge is worth the small amount of money you will spend on it. Driving on properly inflated tires is safer, and it helps protect against premature wear and tire replacement.
  • Wheels that are not properly aligned open the door for a lack of steering control, bad gas mileage, and unnecessary tire wear. When you get your oil changed, go ahead and check your wheel alignment. Also, check it if your driver complains of the vehicle driving rough or pulling to one side.

Check the Vehicle’s Underside

Don’t be a victim of the “out of sight – out of mind” way of thinking. Particularly if you drive on roads that are frequently salted, the underside of your vehicle can take a severe beating. You can avoid serious damage by checking for rust and other problems underneath your vehicle.

Check Every Fluid Level Regularly

This may seem redundant, but it can’t be stressed enough. Regular checks on fluid levels must become a primary dedication for fleet owners. If you’re going to keep your powertrain going strong, you must schedule inspections and lubrication. And the types of fluids you use are equally important. Whether it is grease, brake fluid, or oil, pay attention to the quality of the product. To ensure the lifespan of your transportation vehicles, you may end up spending just a little bit more. But it will be worth it in the long run.

Use Quality Parts for Maintaining Your Truck, Van, or Trailer

Quality parts such as those from Mickey mean that you can enjoy dependability unsurpassed in the world of trucking and transportation. With numerous service centers throughout the nation, reliable products, knowledgeable sales people, and supreme customer service, Mickey Parts can supply your fleet with everything it needs.

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