How to Transport Propane Gas Grills in Your Truck

Propane has a wide variety of uses. Based on your location or what you use it for, one thing’s for sure: you may have to transport the gas grill at one point or another. There’s nothing complicated about transporting propane gas grills in your truck. It is a relatively simple process, but most people rarely pay attention to the relevant safety precautions.

Propane, even in small amounts, is known to cause dangerous explosions. Some of the tips listed below are self-explanatory, but they’re worth following to avoid any costly or fatal accidents. On that note, ensure you allow your grill some time to cool off before moving on to the following steps:

Unscrew the propane gas tank from the grill

It is not safe to transport combustible or fragile items in a moving truck, especially if you’ll be on the road for a long time. Remove the attached propane tank at the grill’s base. After disconnection, ensure you leave it in a vertical upright position. The safety release valve may not function correctly in other positions.

Detach all removable accessories

Any removable racks, utensils, and parts should be packed separately after removal. Doing so will prevent them from getting lost and will also make the grill significantly lighter for transportation. Pack the sharp-edged parts with sturdy materials to prevent serious injuries.

Wrap your grill

Make sure to protect the surface of your stainless-steel grill from unsightly dents or scratches. Wrap it in a secure moving blanket and seal it with packing tape for extra safety. Leave all wheels and handles unwrapped to move it faster and with ease. During transit, ensure the lid on your grill is closed.

Moving a wheeled grill

The wheels on this kind of grill make relocation simpler. Even so, you need to enlist someone to help you push and guide the grill toward the truck. If it has only two wheels, gently steer it around corners while tilting it towards you. Your helper should be at the back of your truck to receive the propane gas grill.

Moving a handled grill

These types of grills are usually small and relatively easy to transport. After emptying its contents, your handled grill will probably be light enough to be carried to your track. If you may still need some help, have someone grab the grill‘s other side. Gently lift, and carry it slowly to your truck.

Moving a kettle grill

This is probably one of the smallest propane gas grills that are also very easy to transport. It’s portable enough for one person to carry, lift, and load onto the truck.

How versatile is your truck? Do you trust it enough to transport your propane gas grill? If not, allow the experts at Mickey Fleet Services to take charge of the entire transportation process. We deliver everything from furniture to gas in Mickey bodies and trailers. Get in touch with us to know how to safely and conveniently move your grill.

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