How To Improve Your Truck Liftgate Performance

Operating in the fleet idustry, you may already know how important liftgates are to a truck. They ensure the cargo can be loaded and unloaded safely and with minimal effort. However, one thing you may have noticed is that the batteries used to operate them can get drain quickly. This results in drivers having to leave trucks idling, which can leads to wasted fuel and air pollution. The main reason for this is that most liftgate batteries are unable to complete a full cycle without having to leave the engine idling.

In this article, we share with you some ways you can improve your truck liftgate performance!

Load Test Batteries Regularly

One way of keeping track of battery health is to load test them regularly. This can be done with a charging device or a load tester. By carrying out regular checks, you can be sure to catch any problems timely and replace the batteries at the first sign of trouble. Another benefit you can reap is that you will not fall under the trap of undercharging your batteries, which can result in a reduced lifespan.

Check for Loose Terminals and Connections

Every three to six months, you should check your terminals and connections for any loose wires or corrosion that may have taken place. Tighten any loose connections and replace any cables that have corroded. Both of these issues can impact the flow of electricity that reaches your batteries. You should also take the opportunity to make sure that all your grounds are in place and working.

Use the Most Suitable Type and Size of Cabling

When determining the right size of cable to use for your lift gate, you will have to take into consideration both length and width. Longer and smaller-gauge cables are able to resist a higher flow of electricity from engine alternators. This, in turn, limits the amount of charge that eventually reaches your batteries.

If you are experiencing problems with your liftgate battery, check your cabling to see if it’s the right size to meet the power requirements for operation.

Check for Voltage Drops

Experiencing issues with your liftgate? If so, it’s time to check out the electrical system, which can reveal the source of the problem. While one worker operates the liftgate, have another place a millimeter probe on each part of the circuit. This will help to measure the voltage drop on each section and allow you to isolate the terminal that is the root of the problem.

Check the Solenoids

The power equipment on your liftgate can get worn out that much faster if your batteries are running at a lower voltage. As the motor starts to overheat, this can reduce the lifespan of both the solenoids and the motor. Checking the solenoids will enable you to figure out if your batteries are suffering from a consistent low voltage and resolve the problem from there. You may need to get a new battery or other replacement parts to this purpose.

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