How To Choose The Correct Dry Freight Van Bodies For Your Business

Although dry freight van bodies are durable, their popularity leads to a lot of use and abuse. That shortens their lifespan considerably, so replacements are eventually needed. But when you’re shopping for a new dry van trailer, what should you be considering?

Many companies will look at fuel economy regulations, weights, payload, and maintenance costs. Let’s break down some of the factors to consider when your dry van trailer needs replacement.

Consider Lifespan

As just referred to, dry vans are durable, but nothing lasts forever. Especially when it is used as frequently and extensively as dry vans. Let’s say your last dry van lasted approximately seven years. What can you do with this new van to increase its life expectancy to 10 years or more? To feel good about the future of your new trailer, consider solid flooring, proper warranties on wheel-ends, long-life lighting systems, and more.

Look for More Than What You Had with Your Old Van

When you bought your old trailer, you looked for certain specs. But technology in the transportation industry in general have changed considerably. What was new on your former van is old hat now and is being surpassed or replaced with new technology. Nothing is more rapidly changing than the world of logistics, so watch for innovative equipment and trends available in today’s market.

Make Sure the Application and Floor Rating Are A Good Match

You’re asking for trouble if you continuously overload your dry van trailer and test its floor rating. Your heaviest load should be held without incident by the floor of your trailer. Additionally, that floor, when suffering the extra pressure of loading and unloading shipments, shouldn’t break away.

Look One Final Time at Your Former Trailer

Take a good long look at your former trailer. Where is the most wear and tear noticed? Take this into consideration when you make your new purchase and see if you can incorporate what you’ve noticed as far as which areas need the most attention and need for concern.

Weight Load Is a Big Priority

Because dry shipping is so popular, more and more shipments are being transported. That can mean bigger, heavier loads. So, it is understandable that one high demand of today’s new dry van freight trailers is to save weight.

Today, no miracle trailer exists that can outdo other trailers where reduced weight or loading superiority is concerned. When considering what trailer to buy, make a list of priorities. What overall accomplishments are necessary with your new dry van trailer? Focus on necessity and requirements to get the best trailer for your money.

Mickey Genuine Parts carries both new and used dry van bodies, as well as other new and used trailers and all their parts. If you would like to speak to one of our knowledgeable representatives concerning parts or trailers, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We have experienced customer service staff members standing by to answer all your inquiries.

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