Top Tips To Fit Your Command Vehicle Interior

It is not a simple process, planning and designing interior upfits for your command vehicle. When it comes to a command vehicle interior, to ensure that your vehicle is ready for anything, there are lots of factors to be considered. It doesn’t matter if the vehicle is a trailer, van, or SUV. Four important factors have been identified by OPS Public Safety that, when planning the upfit for your mobile command center, should be seriously considered. The following identifies those important factors and explains them further. Let’s take a look at what you need to think about when up fitting the command vehicle interior.

Command Vehicle Interior Lighting and Power

For an extended period of time, your team may need to be in one location. For this reason, power sources and how they are accessible should be a factor to consider. Look at your mobile command vehicle’s specific needs. Will it require heating, air conditioning, or lighting? What weather conditions will you typically encounter? With an expert, schedule a one-on-one consultation to help figure out what types of sources should be considered for on-scene power.

The Purpose of the Vehicle

It may take a little time but analyze and determine the precise use for this vehicle. Take a good hard look at the primary purpose of the vehicle. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Will a workbench or special seating be required in this vehicle?
  • What kind of storage will be needed in the vehicle?
  • What do this command center’s day-to-day operations consist of?

Look at any given day and decide what kind of equipment you may need. Make a list for the upfit. Knowing what accessories and storage types need installing will make the job easier.

A Timeline

When it comes to this command project, a realistic timeline must be established. This is essential. To complete a typical upfit, anywhere from 2 to 6 months might be required, depending on the command upfit’s complexity. If there is a specific time by which the vehicle needs to be in service, make sure that you have enough time to spec and plan.

The Actual Capacity of the Interior

Above all else, the constraints and capacity of your interior need to be considered. This is an important step when figuring out your command interior’s desired layout. Take these step-by-step tips:

  • At any given time, consider how many people will be inside.
  • How much seating and how many workstations should be allocated?
  • What kind of weather will you be encountering? HVAC will be needed if it’s humid and hot in order for your staff to remain comfortable and to provide tolerable working conditions.
  • How are you going to store equipment and what’s the best way to make it accessible?
  • When it comes to aisle space, how much is needed?
  • How will you be assuring the safety of your equipment? This can apply to shore power/generators, accessories, radio/electrical storage, etc.
  • What is your vehicle’s maximum payload capacity?

If you’re doing the work for someone else, all of these, and more, should be discussed with the vehicle’s end-user. It’s crucial to get their feedback so that an upfitter can capture all interior specs. They’re the ones who will be using it day in and day out, after all.

In the design and building of your command vehicle, there are many elements to be considered. With so many options and choices that apply to command vehicle upfit planning, a smart move is to enlist the assistance of a professional. Mickey Genuine Parts has certified service centers located throughout the United States which can assist in fitting projects, with regularly scheduled maintenance, accessorizing, customizing, and much more. We deliver parts in expedited fashion and sell used equipment as well. Contact Mickey today to find out what we can do for you.

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