Selecting The Right Commercial Fleet Fuel Type

Depending on the quality of the vehicles in your fleet, you may use one type of gas more than another to help keep your engine running efficiently, smoothly, and cleanly. If you have a diesel engine, you will use diesel fuel. You may even be fortunate enough to have invested in one of today’s hybrids, so now use a mix of gas and electric. Maybe all electric!

Here, we’re not going to look solely at which commercial fleet fuel type you should consider – your vehicles pretty much determine that – but what type of fuel card you should get for your fleet, as well.

Fuel Grades/Types

Which is better: 93, 89, or 87? Standard grade 87 or 89 is recommended for today’s cars. A grade of 90 to 93, premium gas, can be used in an average vehicle. That’s perfectly fine. But for high-end/premium vehicles, use what the manufacturer suggests – likely, premium fuel.

Diesel fuel can, of course, only be used to power diesel engines.

With that pretty much out of the way, let’s take a look at a fuel card for your fleet.

Fuel Cards – Do You Need Them?

There are numerous benefits to be enjoyed as a company by having your drivers carry fuel cards – that is, in addition to the fact they can all buy gas when they need to. There are certain perks for specific cards. Here are some in general:

  • Cards can help cut back on fraud
  • They can flag suspicious activity
  • Closely monitor transactions
  • Set up spending allowances/restrictions as needed, and more

If you only have one vehicle, a fuel card may not be a necessity. But the larger your fleet, the better off you may be with a fuel card.


Should you get a pump price fuel card or a fixed price fuel card? There are pluses and minuses to each. No matter where you fill up, you will pay the same price for your fuel if you purchase a fixed-price fuel card. They usually run weekly.

On the other hand, whatever price is advertised at the pump, that’s what you will pay with a pump price card. They’re easy and convenient to use, though they don’t offer the savings of the alternative fixed price card.

It’s All About Location

In your area, research what services are available. That may help you determine the particular brand of the card to get. If there are no filling stations close by, it could derail the savings you thought you would get.

Additionally, consider which gas stations appear most often along your most common routes. It may be essential to get a very widely accepted card if your drivers run nationally.

Vehicle/Fuel Considerations

Crucial information here includes the specific type of fuel your fleet vehicles use. You’ll want to get a card from someone who deals with diesel fuel if diesel engines run your fleet.

Remember, as well, the filling stations you choose should be able to accommodate your vehicles (i.e., lots of space to maneuver, high canopies, etc.).

Note: If you run a trucking company, look very carefully at fuel cards because some cater more to truckers/trucking companies than do others.

Mickey Can Help You with Servicing Your Fleet!

Whether you’re in search of a company to care for your fleet – or you need the right parts, so your technician can maintain your fleet – we, at Mickey, have you covered. We can expedite your order to you ASAP, with all the parts you need. If you need service, we have conveniently located Mickey Service Centers located all over the United States. In fact, we offer all sorts of fleet services. Contact us at 877-948-7055 for more information.

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