Did You Know That Truck Sales Are Helping The U.S. Economy Get Back On Track?

Catastrophic debt and a floundering economy have United States citizen struggling through an uphill battle. Increased truck sales may be able to assist the United States economy in getting back on track.

Truckers Moving the Economy in the Right Direction

In the fight to recover a comfortable economy, a crucial role is played by truckers. When it comes to the nation’s freight, some 70% is moved by truckers (according to the American Trucking Association). But that’s not all. More and more, we are finding out that the state of our economy relies heavily on the trucking industry in more ways than one. Out of every $10 produced in the US GDP, one dollar is related to activities involving transportation (according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics). That’s pretty impressive.

Truck Sales and the Economy

There has been a historic rise, as of late, in trucking sales. And though a 20 month shrink of truck orders and a two-year slump was experienced by semi-truck sales, the future of the trucking industry is looking brighter and brighter. Just recently, in just one month, a preliminary net order increase of 81% was experienced by Class 8 trucks. That’s the highest number in several years. And as of late, according to ACT (Americas Commercial Transportation) research, a two-year high has been experienced by Class 8 truck builds. Additionally, from just one year ago, trucking orders almost tripled. They increased from just over 13,600 to nearly 36,000.

So What’s Going On?

But why are truck sales on the rise? Theoretically, the United States economy is the direct correlation between a rise in trucking orders and the emergence of trucking sales. With the US currently being in a hole totaling some $20 billion, the future well-being of our economy needs not only extraneous lifesaving methods but life support thereafter.

But according to Karen Ubelhart, an intelligence analyst at Bloomberg, truck orders are a decent indicator that the economy of North America is picking up.

Yet another improving economy indicator is said to be the truck utilization of many companies. This means that more companies are using more of their trucks at any given point in time. Currently, truck utilization is at approximately 99%. So that, in order to keep up with deliveries, almost all of a company’s trucks are used nearly all of the time.

With a surge in the construction and housing markets, deliveries have picked up. Consumer purchases are another contributing factor to increased deliveries. And the aforementioned Class 8 truck is responsible for many of these deliveries. Now you can see the correlation.

When it comes to semi-trucks and trailers, the people at Mickey Genuine Parts provide top-of-the-line, high-quality products. We also offer numerous components, equipment, accessories, etc. for various models of trailers, vans, and trucks. We have an impressive inventory and can usually expedite your order by the next day, if the order is received by 2 PM Eastern Standard Time (and the item is in stock). Contact us today to see how Mickey can be of assistance to you.

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