Caring For Your Ratchet Straps

The best way to secure and tie down loads during transport is using the ratchet straps. The fact that they are so easy to care for and easy to use only makes them more utilitarian and a widely preferred method. Frequently, they can be customized to fit the precise needs of truckers and transporters. But as simple as it may be, it is important that you know exactly how to care for your ratchet straps for them to be more economical and to extend their life.

Ordinarily, these straps come in a variety of applications. Ideally, the fabrication should allow for the resistance to most chemicals, damage from UV rays, abrasions, and allow very little stretch. They should exhibit minimal absorption of moisture to prevent rotting, mildew, mold, and shrinkage after exposure to weather and use. All of these characteristics make them the economical choice and a long-lasting contribution to the trucking industry.

How To Store Your Ratchet Straps

As important as maintaining your ratchet straps is, storing them when not in use is equally important. Here are a few pointers on storage:

  • Use a cinch strap – for securing loose webbing, nothing beats Velcro cinch straps. If you have E-track installed in your trailer, it’s easy to loop the straps through the fitting of your E-track with an O-ring. This helps keep the strap from dangling down onto the floor or banging around.
  • Try using bungee cords – these pieces of equipment are priceless. Selections can come in all kinds of sizes, thicknesses, and lengths. Just be sure that your bungee cord fits around your biggest and baddest ratchet straps.
  • Also, try bungee balls – like bungee straps, these are a priceless commodity. You can usually find a bulk package of approximately 100 when it comes to these handy little ties. That leaves you with lots of opportunities for tying down your straps and even having plenty left over for various other uses. Some of those uses might be bundling tent poles, anchoring yard ornaments, keeping box lids closed, securing canopies, and more.

Let’s Get Down to Caring for Your Ratchet Straps

When your ratchet straps are not in use, they should be stored properly – methods of which were just discussed. But before storing them, it is vital that you assure that the webbing is dry and clean. Washing your straps after every use, before you store them, can be done quickly and easily by hosing them down with water and then allowing complete drying before storage.

If you experience some stubborn stains or dirt that won’t come out with that method, mixing a little warm water with a mild detergent and using a good quality scrub brush to loosen any debris and dirt is recommended. Under no circumstances should you use bleach or any cleaner with an acid additive.

Be Good to Your Ratchet Straps

Those straps work hard for you so treat them well. As tempting as it may be, don’t simply throw them in a pile when you’re done using them. Take the time to wind them up and, while you’re at it, you can inspect the webbing for abrasions, tears, or rips. You may even want to invest in a strap winder.

Finally, whatever storage method you choose, make sure that it is away from sunlight and in a dry place. The mechanisms used for ratcheting are steel and over time, if left exposed to moisture, will build up corrosion. When that happens, they are difficult to use.

Contact Mickey Genuine Parts Today

Whether you need ratchet straps, some other parts, or a qualified individual to replace parts or conduct another service, you can rely on Mickey’s knowledgeable staff for all your trucking, trailer, van, and other transport vehicle needs. With numerous Mickey owned and approved service centers throughout the nation, it’s likely there is one near you. If you have any questions or concerns about parts or new vehicles, contact us today to see how we can be of assistance. Our customer service people are ready and willing to help you and prove why we are the leaders in our industry – and have been for over 100 years.

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